Reduce distracted driving and mobile device use on the road

Cell phone use continues to be a major threat on the roadways. ORIGOSafeDriver prevents drivers from being distracted by their phones while in motion.

Change your safety culture and improve driver behavior

Our solution prevents drivers from being distracted by their phones. If the driver attempts to use their phone while in motion, real time coaching is provided and an alert is sent to the manager.

Prevent potential risks

Improve your fleet management with these set of features:

Proactive Cell Phone Safety

Prevent potential vehicle crashes by stopping handheld phone use while driving and analyzing driver’s behavior on the road.

Require Driver Compliance

The app will notify your administrator when the driver’s are not logged in.

Customizable Features

Customize your restrictions such as Bluetooth usage for each driver separately.

Receive Metrics Data

Create safety reports and identify the fleets safest and riskiest drivers.

How to Use Technology for Your Fleet Safety Program

No Cell Phone While Driving & Fleet Safety: A Winning Connection

Driver Safety Scorecards: The First Step To A Safer Fleet

Solutions built for fleets

Which solution is right for your fleet?


App helps driver perform DVIR inspections for vehicles.


App helps drivers determine the location of truck trailers on the map in real time.

Our application on Apple and Google platforms